Jul 19, 2017 | Marketing Innovation, RRx Perspective
Marketers need to engage with prospects. One way we traditionally do this is by creating a unique presence at congresses and conferences. It’s a worthwhile investment in time and money. An opportunity to meet customers face-to-face, build relationships and...
Jun 2, 2017 | Marketing Innovation, RRx Perspective
The core visual aid (CVA) has been the go-to communication vehicle for sales reps for decades, but the introduction of the tablet and the interactive visual aid (IVA) has challenged the preeminence of the printed CVA. Print might be old school, but that doesn’t...
Aug 1, 2016 | RRx Perspective
Rare diseases aren’t really rare at all. One in ten Americans is living with a rare disease. 30% of children with rare diseases will not live to see their 5th birthday. Most rare diseases are genetic and are therefore present throughout a person’s life,...
Jul 28, 2016 | Marketing Innovation, RRx Perspective
The Integration of Science and Promotion in Pharmaceutical Marketing Just as the brain relies on established neural connections to solve a problem, the process of effective branding relies on a system of carefully coordinated skill sets working in synch and adapting...
Apr 28, 2016 | RRx Perspective
What makes someone beautiful? How you answer that question could very well depend upon the culture in which you were raised. Different standards of beauty from culture to culture dictate which types of beauty products will rise in popularity, as women – and men...
Mar 17, 2016 | Marketing Innovation, RRx Perspective
YouTube … It’s the number two search engine after Google with users consuming more than six billion hours of video a month. What does this mean for the Pharma industry? An opportunity … To increase traffic, exposure, visibility, engagement and brand awareness. An...