Apr 7, 2020 | RRx Perspective, Uncategorized
By now, the coronavirus pandemic has affected nearly every American in some fashion. The U.S. has become the epicenter of the COVID-19 crisis with greater than 217,000 cases as of April 2, 2020. Across the country many states have issued mandatory closures of schools,...
Mar 26, 2020 | Marketing Innovation, RRx Perspective
Using Animation to Enhance Understanding and Engagement for Serious Disease States —– Stand Up To Cancer funds Dream Teams to accelerate cancer research, bringing different institutions together to advance new treatments. Those goals can’t be...
Mar 12, 2020 | Marketing Innovation, RRx Perspective
Deliver impactful virtual engagements in a simulated setting. The virtual congress allows you to extend your reach, removing all physical limitations such as travel and lodging. Reach more customers with your messaging as they explore all you have to offer from the...
Mar 9, 2020 | RRx Perspective
Bracco Diagnostics Inc., a leader in diagnostic imaging, has continued to evolve its broad portfolio to become a one-stop shop for contrast media, injectors, and diagnostic software solutions. With the expansion of Bracco’s product and modality offerings came the need...
Feb 4, 2020 | RRx Perspective
REALITY Check: Artificial Intelligence From interpreting scans to scanning hospital rooms for hazards, AI innovations are poised to change the healthcare landscape. Here are five ways the technology is being tested: Radiologists Phone a Friend Radiologists at...
May 29, 2019 | Marketing Innovation, RRx Perspective
Meet the “What-If” REALITYRx is proud to announce the launch of the “What-If”, a brand character that raises awareness about everyday triggers of life-threatening allergic reactions. In 2018 Impax Laboratories (now part of Amneal...