Her Story Made Drug Advertising History

Her Story Made Drug Advertising History

The real-life inspiration for Mad Men’s copywriter Peggy Olson, advertising legend Mary Wells Lawrence, revolutionized drug advertising with her agency’s unforgettable Alka Seltzer campaign. As founder and CEO of Wells Rich Greene (WRG), and a copywriter herself, her...
Black Physicians Making History

Black Physicians Making History

Meet eight Black physicians whose contributions to medicine are helping improve health inequities for all Americans. Valerie Montgomery Rice, MD   Since becoming the first woman President and CEO of Morehouse School of Medicine (MSM) in 2014, Valerie Montgomery Rice,...
The Promise of New Devices and Treatments for Diabetes

The Promise of New Devices and Treatments for Diabetes

The prevalence of diabetes significantly increased in adults aged 18 years or older from 2001 to 2020. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that approximately 37.3 million Americans have diabetes—which is 11.3% of the US population—with...