Jul 17, 2013 | Marketing Innovation, RRx Perspective
Remember when doctors made house calls? Well, neither do we, but that doesn’t change the fact that now doctors are making a new type of house call. It’s one where doctors can literally diagnose patients based on the information they provide over the internet and a...
Feb 22, 2013 | Marketing Innovation, RRx Perspective
Innovation is at the core of human progress and therefore at the core of the pharmaceutical industry. However, an innovative product is useless if it is not accessible to the patients, physicians, nurses, and healthcare professionals who should be using it. Any new...
Feb 20, 2013 | Marketing Innovation, RRx Perspective
The Internet is an incredible resource. All the information in the world is available with just a click of the mouse. A question about what the weather will be, or how to get somewhere, or even what the theory of relativity means is immediately answered. This means...