Every strategy, message, concept, and tactic is subjected to R.E.A.L. scrutiny before it leaves the shop. Is it Relevant, Easy, Arresting, and Legitimate?
Does it address your target audience’s needs and desires? Leverage the market situation? Advance the brand objectives?
Is it clearly focused? Understandable? Uncluttered? Simple to implement?
Does it demand attention? Capture the imagination? Make a lasting impact?
Is it believable and founded on facts rather than wishful thinking? Accurate? Consistent with guidelines?
Every strategy, message, concept, and tactic is subjected to R.E.A.L. scrutiny before it leaves the shop. Is it Relevant, Easy, Arresting, and Legitimate?
Does it address your target audience’s needs and desires? Leverage the market situation? Advance the brand objectives?
Is it clearly focused? Understandable? Uncluttered? Simple to implement?
Does it demand attention? Capture the imagination? Make a lasting impact?
Is it believable and founded on facts rather than wishful thinking? Accurate? Consistent with guidelines?

A Straightforward Approach
Our strategic process has been finely honed over many cumulative years of experience. By design, it takes you from Point A to Point B—in a straight line, and without the needless detours that can increase costs or shortcuts that compromise quality.
Strategic Substance
“If you don’t know where you’re going, any path will do.”
—Russell Bishop
Envision a
New Reality
the Reality
A relentless quest for knowledge, accompanied by a thorough and brutally honest assessment of the market.

Strategic Substance
A Straightforward Approach
Our strategic process has been finely honed over many cumulative years of experience. By design, it takes you from Point A to Point B—in a straight line, and without the needless detours that can increase costs or shortcuts that compromise quality.
Reality Testing
A relentless quest for knowledge, accompanied by a thorough and brutally honest assessment of the market.
Envision a New Reality
A period of intense reflection in which an insight with the potential to change the way you see the world—and the way the world sees your brand—emerges.
Invent the Reality
The point where we turn insight into action, telling stories and molding perceptions to generate positive change.
Reality Check
Because we’re all about real-world results, no initiative is complete until we’ve assessed customer feedback, key performance indicators and/or ROI.

Our Vision: A Genuine Interest in People
People are the inspiration for everything we do. They may be patients, physicians, healthcare administrators or pharmaceutical marketers, but first and foremost they’re people. People who expect to have real conversations rather than listen to monologues. People whose desires may be more motivating than their needs. People with personal stories and individual goals.
Our goal is to communicate as effectively as possible with people whether they’re in our target audience or in our office. To have the productive conversations that generate positive change.
Creative Style
“Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.”
—Søren Kierkegaard

Creative Style
A Genuine Interest in People
People are the inspiration for everything we do. They may be patients, physicians, healthcare administrators or pharmaceutical marketers, but first and foremost they’re people. People who expect to have real conversations rather than listen to monologues. People whose desires may be more motivating than their needs. People with personal stories and individual goals.
Our goal is to communicate as effectively as possible with people—whether they’re in our target audience or in our office—and have conversations that generate positive change.

Getting Down to the Nitty-Gritty
REALITYRx fuses cutting-edge speed and award-winning talent with communication capabilities that span the spectrum of possibilities here in the U.S. and globally. This has been achieved through the integration of today’s cloud technologies, onsite digital and post-production capabilities, an intercontinental network, and a team of professionals with global expertise. From Somerset, New Jersey to Rome, Italy, the REALITYRx network structure pays off for our clients by enabling them to expressly dial up or dial down their services as needed, at any given time.
- Professional Audio, Video and Photographic Production Suites
- Comprehensive Website, Application and Mobile Development
- International Media Purchasing Capabilities
- Robust Analytics and Data Collection
- Augmented, Virtual and Mixed Reality Development
- HCP and DTC Social Media Management
- 3D Modeling, Animation and Rendering
- Scalable Marketing Automation Systems
Stunning Solutions
“You can design and create, and build the most wonderful place in the world. But it takes people to make the dream a reality.”
—Walt Disney

Stunning Solutions
Getting Down to the Nitty-Gritty
REALITYRx fuses cutting-edge speed and award-winning talent with communication capabilities that span the spectrum of possibilities here in the U.S. and globally. This has been achieved through the integration of today’s cloud technologies, onsite digital and post-production capabilities, an intercontinental network, and a team of professionals with global expertise. From Somerset, New Jersey to Rome, Italy, the REALITYRx network structure pays off for our clients by enabling them to expressly dial up or dial down their services as needed, at any given time.