Integra LifeSciences, a world leader in medical technology, is dedicated to limiting uncertainty for surgeons so they can concentrate on providing the best patient care. Integra has long been known in surgical settings for their wound care products, and more recently for their orthopedic and neuroscience solutions. With the 2017 acquisition of Derma Sciences, Inc., a tissue regeneration company, Integra chose to reassert their position as a leader in the wound care market, harkening back to their roots in wound care while continuing to advance. The acquisition ushered in “…a demonstratively transformative year for Integra,” according to Integra senior management. But making a bigger impact with clinicians, patients, and payers in advanced wound repair required that Integra evolve their message and enlist the help of their agency partner:REALITYRx.

Making the Integra Vision a Reality
To best reach Integra’s customer base, REALITYRx created a singular, ownable concept focusing on 4 key components of Integra’s unique wound care continuum. The resulting Integra 360° Advanced Wound Care campaign represented a transformation in wound care, providing clinicians with solutions from diagnosis through wound closure.

Advanced Wound Care Within Reach
This comprehensive offering placed solutions right in customers’ hands: “The Power of Integra Advanced Wound Care, Within Reach.”
The new campaign communicates how Integra supports physicians and the wound care community, enabling better healing for patients while building greater market share and driving total awareness. This inclusive, insightful work helped Integra successfully transform their wound care franchise.