A Shared Vision Becomes Reality

Bracco Diagnostics, Inc., in collaboration with REALITYRx, stole the show at the 2018 Radiology Society of North America (RSNA) annual meeting in Chicago. Bracco’s booth was situated in a prime location and drew crowds of attendees from around the globe. The engaging display-featuring a digital brand carousel, interactive workstations, and a VR experience-was creatively driven by REALITYRx, Bracco’s agency partner.

Interactive brand carousels created by RealityRx.

For Bracco, the conference was a prime opportunity to highlight the latest advancements in their array of imaging services including their EmpowerMR® and EmpowerCTA®+ systems with SmartInject technology. Their corporate vision was communicated via a series of powerful videos displayed on the 70-foot-wide LED screen that dominated the conference floor. REALITYRx created the videos, as well as a VR experience that allowed attendees to further explore Bracco’s products and services.

A VR experience featured Bracco’s SmartInject solutions.

Offerings such as the digital carousel and videos highlighted the brand’s growth and its overall importance within the diagnostic market, generating numerous leads over the course of the multi-day conference with help from REALITYRx’s dynamic marketing approach.