Before there was Content Marketing there was Creative…

In 2014, with social media booming and the digital age in full swing, the quest for relevance has never been more important. If you’re interested in advertising your business, product, or brand online (and lets face it—if you’re not, you should be) an inherent drive to stay relevant will put you face to face with an important term the experts labeled “content marketing.” Quite simply, content marketers focus on utilizing new markets to expand, develop, and instill brand personalities into the cultural consciousness in the hopes of achieving product relevance. Less simply, they are new companies for hire, which aim to manage, filter, and engage product content in an interactive public sphere (the Internet, of course). In researching this new trend it becomes clear that this particular form of branding is, in fact, something pharmaceutical ad agencies have been putting into practice for years.

A little more about that…

Content marketing companies provide businesses with a framework for successfully promoting a product and/or brand. This framework may focus on objectives such as building a product story (the what), defining and captivating one’s audience (the who), and developing channels through which one can define and market product (the how). In addition, these companies will advertise their marketing successes through their reliance on cutting-edge technologies, which create and foster interactional, conversation-based environments through which the brand story may be relayed. These brand stories must be based in fact as they will be placed in a cultural realm which allows individuals to critique, interact, and converse directly with the product. Bringing these marketing strategies into the digital age, while ensuring relevance, has allowed companies to maintain their product story in the cultural consciousness at a rate that parallels the speed at which information moves through global networks.

What does this have to do with us?

Chief Creative Director and Partner at REALITYRx Mr. Jonathan Male has been in the industry for over 25 years and is no stranger to content marketing. In fact, one might say that Jon and the experts at his agency have been putting these marketing strategies into practice since before the term was even coined. As distinguishing factors, content marketers rely on three primary strategies. First, they encourage dialogue: conversation-like approaches, something pharmaceutical marketers have traditionally relied on for years. “Without participatory relationships with clients and medical experts we would be left with a foundational gap in our process and work,” remarked Jon Male. Second, they encourage “content” or fact-based marketing approaches. “As medical marketers, all of our content needs to be current and grounded in medical facts; the approaches are correspondingly built around them with an eye toward the future,” said Mr. Male. Third, content marketers keenly focus on embracing new markets and strategies to continue to advance product engagement in ways that allow for steady and rapid growth. By utilizing global markets to share their product story, content marketers ensure broad awareness and accelerate brand relevance. REALITYRx implements proven digital strategies to kick-start the conversation with your target audience and present your product as a leader in its field. “We have fostered a foundational relationship with rapid advancement, as we have worked diligently to ensure that our progress mirrors that of your own community,” said Mr. Male. “Through implementing these new digital strategies while relying on decades of experience, we at REALITYRx ensure brand relevance as holistically as you heal.”

If you’re interested in learning how to accelerate your brand’s relevance, contact Jon Male: jmale@realityrx.coor Bob Karczewski: bkarczewski@realityrx.com.

To learn more about REALITYRx communication digital capabilities—view our case studies located under the RRx work tab of the home page.